Efavir Capsule

Cipla Ltd.
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Efavir Capsule is used for: HIV infection

Adult Dose

Oral HIV infection Adult: Combined with other antiretrovirals: 600 mg once daily. Dosing at bedtime recommended during 1st 2-4 wk of therapy to improve tolerability. Hepatic impairment Mild (Child-Pugh Class A): Dose adjustment not necessary; use caution Moderate-to-severe (Child Pugh Class B or C): Not recommended

Child Dose

Oral HIV infection Child: Combined with other antiretrovirals: >3 yr, 10-14 kg: 200 mg; 15-19 kg: 250 mg; 20-24 kg: 300 mg; 25-32.4 kg: 350 mg; 32.5-39 kg: 400 mg; >40 kg: 600 mg. To be taken once daily.

Renal Dose

Renal impairment: No dosage adjustment needed


Should be taken on an empty stomach. Take on an empty stomach, preferably at bedtime.

Contra Indications

Severe hepatic impairment; hypersensitivity; lactation.


Mild to moderate liver disease; renal impairment. Monitor liver enzymes and cholesterol. Discontinue if severe skin rash or fever develops; known or suspected hepatitis B or infection. History of mental illness or seizures; elderly. Pregnancy. Children. Lactation: It is not known whether efavirenz is excreted in milk. It should not be administered to nursing mothers. The CDC advises HIV-infected women not to breast-feed to avoid postnatal transmission of HIV.



Hormonal contraceptives; antibacterial e.g. rifampicin, rifabutin, clarithromycin; enzyme inducers. St. John's wort may decrease serum level. Ethanol (hepatic and CNS adverse effects). Potentially Fatal: Life-threatening adverse effects when used with terfenadine, astemizole, cisapride, midazolam, triazolam and ergot alkaloids.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Efavirenz : >10% Total cholesterol increased (20-40%),Diarrhea (3-14%, children up to 39%),HDL increased (25-35%),Dizziness (28.1%),Rash (5-26%),Fever (children 21%),Depression (19%),Insomnia (16.3%),Cough (children 16%),Vomiting (3-12%),Anxiety (2-13%),Nausea (2-12%) 1-10% Neutropenia (2-10%),Pruitis (9%),Impaired concentration (8.3%),Transaminases increased (2-8%),Somnolence (7.0%),Abnormal dreams (6.2%),Amylase increased (6%),Hyperglycemia (2-5%),Dyspepsia (4%),Abdominal pain (2-3%),Anorexia (2%),Hallucinations (1.2%)

Mechanism of Action

Efavirenz, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor with activity against HIV, blocks the RNA-dependent and DNA-dependent polymerase activities including HIV replication.


Efavir 200mg Capsule manufactured by Cipla Ltd.. Its generic name is Efavirenz. Efavir is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Efavir Capsule is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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