Entosec Tablet

Cipla Ltd.
Pack size 1
Dispensing mode
Retail Price 58.46 NPR


Entosec Tablet is used for: Giardiasis, Amoebiasis, Trichomoniasis

Adult Dose

Oral Trichomoniasis; Amoebiasis; Giardiasis Adult: 2 g as a single dose. Severe invasive amoebiasis Adult: 1.5 g daily as single or in divided doses for 5 days.

Child Dose

Oral Trichomoniasis; Amoebiasis; Giardiasis Child: 30 mg/kg as a single dose. Severe invasive amoebiasis Child: 30 mg/kg daily for 5 days.

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity; pregnancy (1st trimester) and lactation.


Avoid alcohol and disulfiram. Avoid in patients with history of blood disorders.



Concurrent disulfiram admin may cause psychotic reactions. Disulfiram-like reactions with alcohol. Cimetidine may prolong half-life. Potentially Fatal: May potentiate anticoagulant effect of warfarin and increase risk of haemorrhage.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Secnidazole : Nausea, gastralgia, change of taste, metallic taste, stomatitis, urticaria, rashes, leucopenia. Rarely vertigo, moderate neurological, digestive disturbances.

Mechanism of Action

Secnidazole is active against E histolytica, G lamblia, T vaginalis, Clostridium spp, B fragilis, Gardnerella spp. The drug enters the microorganisms by diffusion and is reduced intracellularly by low oxidation-reduction potential ferredoxin which then result in DNA damage.


Entosec 1gm Tablet manufactured by Cipla Ltd.. Its generic name is Secnidazole. Entosec is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Entosec Tablet is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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