Foratec Rotacap

Formoterol Fumarate
Cipla Ltd.
Pack size 1's
Dispensing mode
Retail Price 129.59 NPR

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Foratec Rotacap is used for: Asthma,Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema, COPD

Adult Dose

Inhalation Prophylaxis of exercise-induced asthma Adult: 12 mcg at least 15 min prior to exercise. Additional doses should not be taken w/in 12 hr. Asthma Adult: As inhalation cap: 12 mcg bid via inhaler device, may be increased up to 24 mcg bid as necessary for severe cases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Adult: As inhalation cap: 12 mcg bid via inhaler device. As metered-dose dry powd inhaler: 12 mcg 1-2 times daily. Additional doses may be given as required. Max: 48 mcg/day (24 mcg/dose).

Child Dose

Inhalation Prophylaxis of exercise-induced asthma Child: >5 yr 12 mcg at least 15 min prior to exercise. Additional doses should not be taken w/in 12 hr. Asthma Child: As inhalational cap: >5 yr 12 mcg bid via inhaler device. As metered-dose dry powd inhaler: >6 yr 6-12 mcg 1-2 times daily.

Renal Dose


Contra Indications



Thyrotoxicosis; severe CV disorders e.g. ischaemic heart disease, tachyarrhythmias or severe heart burn; prolonged QT-interval. DM; pregnancy; lactation; children <5 yr; do not initiate or increase the dose during an exacerbation. May produce paradoxical bronchospasm. Lactation: not known if excreted in breast milk, use caution



Concomitant treatment with xanthine derivatives, steroids or diuretics may potentiate a possible hypokalaemic effect of beta-agonists. Increased susceptibility to cardiac arrhythmias in patients treated with digitalis. Concomitant use with quinidine, disopyramide, procainamide, phenothiazines, antihistamines, MAOI or TCAs can prolong the QT-interval and increase the risk of ventricular arrhythmias. L-dopa, L-thyroxine, oxytocin and alcohol can impair cardiac tolerance towards beta2-sympathomimetics. beta-adrenergic blockers can inhibit the effect of formoterol. Increased risk of arrhythmias in patients receiving concomitant anaesthesia with halogenated hydrocarbons.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Formoterol Fumarate : >10% Viral infection (17.2%) 1-10% Bronchitis (4.6%),Chest infection (2.7%),Dyspnea (2.1%),Chest pain (1.9%),Tremor (1.9%),Dizziness (1.6%) Frequency Not Defined Angina,Arrhythmias,Hypo/hypertension,Tachycardia,Hypokalemia,Hyperglycemia,Metabolic acidosis,Headache,Insomnia,Paradoxical bronchospasm,Severe asthma exacerbation

Mechanism of Action

Formoterol relaxes the bronchial smooth muscle by selectively acting on beta2-receptors with minimal effect on heart rate. It has a long-acting effect.


Foratec 12mcg Rotacap manufactured by Cipla Ltd.. Its generic name is Formoterol Fumarate. Foratec is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Foratec Rotacap is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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