Gery Ointment

Erythromycin solution
Geno Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Pack size 1
Dispensing mode
Retail Price 45.65 NPR


Gery Ointment is used for: Acne

Adult Dose

Topical/Cutaneous Acne Adult: Apply onto affected areas 1-2 times daily. Discontinue treatment if condition worsens or if there is no improvement after 6-8 wk of continuous usage. Max duration: 6 mth.

Child Dose

Safety and efficacy not established

Renal Dose


Apply to affected areas after skin is thoroughly washed and patted dry

Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity; porphyria; hepatic impairment; pregnancy.


Increased risk of cholestatic hepatitis when treatment is >10 days or in patients with previous history of erythromycin usage. History of hepatic disorders; arrhythmias; prolonged QT interval; lactation. Monitor liver function. Avoid estolate in liver impairment. Caution when using lactobionate in patients with severe renal impairment. May aggravate muscle weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis. Lactation: Unknown if excreted in breast milk; use with caution



Rhabdomyolysis w/ or w/o renal impairment w/ HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (e.g. simvastatin). Increased risk of colchicine toxicity. Increased sedation w/ triazolobenzodiazepines and related benzodiazepines (e.g. alprazolam, midazolam). Theophylline may decrease and cimetidine may increase erythromycin concentration. Hypotension, bradyarrhythmia and lactic acidosis w/ Ca channel blockers (e.g. verapamil, amlodipine, diltiazem). Increased systemic exposure of sildenafil. Increased or prolonged adverse effects w/ ciclosporin, carbamazepine, tacrolimus, alfentanil, disopyramide, rifabutin, quinidine, methylprednisolone, cilostazol, vinblastine and bromocriptine. Increased risk of digoxin toxicity. Increased bleeding w/ oral anticoagulants. Potentially Fatal: QT prolongation, cardiac arrhythmias, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, torsades de pointes w/ cisapride, pimozide, astemizole or terfenadine. Acute ergot toxicity w/ ergotamine and dihydroergotamine.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Erythromycin solution : Contact sensitization,Dryness,Erythema,Skin irritation,Skin tenderness Potentially Fatal: Hepatotoxicity, cholestatic jaundice; raised serum transaminases; eosinophilia.

Mechanism of Action

Erythromycin inhibits protein synthesis by irreversibly binding to the 50S ribosomal subunit thus blocking the transpeptidation or translocation reactions of susceptible organisms resulting in stunted cell growth.


Gery 3% Ointment manufactured by Geno Pharmaceuticals Ltd.. Its generic name is Erythromycin solution. Gery is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Gery Ointment is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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