Kancin Injection

Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Pack size 1
Dispensing mode
Retail Price


Kancin Injection is used for: Susceptible bacterial Infections

Adult Dose

Susceptible Infections IV Administration: 5-7.5 mg/kg/dose divided q8-12hr; not to exceed 15 mg/kg/day divided q6-12hr; administer slowly IM Administration: 5-7.5 mg/kg/dose divided q8-12hr; not to exceed 15 mg/kg/day IM divided q12hr at equally divided intervals; continuously high blood levels are desired; daily dose of 15 mg/kg may be given divided q6-8hr

Child Dose

Renal Dose

Renal Impairment CrCl 50-80 mL/min: give 60-90% of usual dose or give q8-12hr CrCl 10-50 mL/min: give 30-70% of usual dose or give q12hr CrCl <10 mL/min: give 20-30% of usual dose or give q24-48hr


IV Preparation For adults, IV infusions are prepared by adding 500 mg of kanamycin to 100-200 mL of usual IV infusion fluid such as NS or D5W or by adding 1 g of the drug to 200-400 mL of diluent IV/IM Administration Administer by deep IM injection, or IV infusion May administer by intraperitoneal instillation, irrigation, or inhalation Infuse over 30-60 min

Contra Indications



Auditory toxicity more common with kanamycin than with streptomycin and capreomycin; monthly audiometry is recommended while patients are being treated with this drug; vestibular toxicity is rare; renal toxicity occurs at a frequency similar to that of capreomycin; regular monitoring of serum creatinine recommended Renal impairment Myasthenia gravis Vestibular/cochlear implant Nephrotoxic agents



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Kanamycin : Agranulocytosis,Anorexia,Diarrhea,Dyspnea,Edema,Elevated BUN,Enterocolitis,Headache,Incr salivation,Muscle cramps,Muscle weakness,Nausea,Nephrotoxicity,Neurotoxicity,Ototoxicity,Pruritus,Pseudotumor cerebri,Rash,Tinnitus,Thrombocytopenia,Tremor,Vertigo,Weakness

Mechanism of Action

Bactericidal Aminoglycoside contain 1 or 2 amino sugars linked to an aminocyclitol nucleus. Nucleus is 2-deoxystreptamine. Bactericidal and believed to inhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30 S ribosomal subunit.


Kancin 500mg Injection manufactured by Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd.. Its generic name is Kanamycin. Kancin is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Kancin Injection is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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