Mefliam Tablet

Cipla Ltd.
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Mefliam Tablet is used for: Malaria

Adult Dose

Oral Acute Malaria Adult: 5 tablets (Total 1250 mg) as a single oral dose. OR 750 mg orally as initial dose, followed by 500 mg orally 6 to 12 hours after initial dose. Total dose 1,250 mg. Malaria prophylaxis 250 mg once weekly, taken 1-3 wk before exposure and continuing for 4 wk after leaving the endemic area. Dosing Considerations If a full-treatment course does not lead to improvement within 48-72 hr, mefloquine should not be used for retreatment; an alternative therapy should be used Similarly, if previous prophylaxis with mefloquine failed, mefloquine should not be used for curative treatment

Child Dose

Oral Acute Malaria <6 months old: Safety and efficacy not established Child: >6 months: 20-25 mg/kg PO as single dose. Maximum total dose: 1250 mg. OR 15 mg/kg as initial dose, followed by 10 mg/kg po given 6-12 hours after initial dose. Total dose= 25 mg/kg Malaria prophylaxis Child: 5 to <10 kg: 31.25 mg (1/8 tablet) PO qWeek 10 to <20 kg: 62.5 mg (1/4 tablet) PO qWeek 20 to <30 kg: 125 mg (1/2 tablet) PO qWeek 30-45 kg: 187.5 mg (3/4 tablet) PO qWeek >45 kg: 250 mg (1 tablet) PO qWeek Start 1-2 weeks before arrival in endemic area; continue 4 weeks after leaving endemic area

Renal Dose


Should be taken with food. Best taken w/ meals & a full glass of water. Should be taken on the same day of each week.

Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity to related compounds (e.g. quinine and quinidine); history of blackwater fever;, prophylactic use in patients w/ history of psychiatric (including depression) or convulsive disorders; retreatment w/ mefloquine. Severe hepatic impairment. Concomitant use w/ halofantrine.


Epilepsy; delay admin until at least 12 hr after the last dose of quinine/quinine-related compounds (monitoring of cardiac and neurological functions is warranted). Avoid driving or operating machines during and up to 3 wk after mefloquine use. Pregnancy, lactation; cardiac conduction disturbances; children <3 mth or 5 kg. Lactation: Minimally excreted in human breast milk; based on a study in a few subjects, low concentrations (3% to 4%) excreted; caution advised



Increased risk of ECG abnormalities w/ quinine or chloroquine, antihistamines, TCAs and phenothiazines. May increase risk of seizure w/ quinidine or quinine. Concomitant use w/ valproic acid, phenobarbital, carbamazepine and phenytoin may cause loss of seizure control and lower plasma levels of anticonvulsants. Increased risk of QT prolongation and arrhythmia w/ ketoconazole. Concomitant use w/ digoxin, Ca-channel blockers, antiarrhythmics and ?-blockers may increase the risk of cardiotoxicity. Increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias w/ amiodarone. Concomitant use w/ TCAs, SSRIs, buprion, antipsychotic, tramadol may increase the risk of convulsions. Increased plasma levels w/ metoclopromide. May compromise adequate immunisation by live typhoid vaccine. Vaccinations w/ attenuated live bacteria should be completed at least 3 days prior the 1st dose of mefloquine. Potentially Fatal: Avoid concomitant use w/ halofantrine as potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias may occur.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Mefloquine : 1-10% Anxiety,Difficulty concentrating,Headache,Insomnia,Lightheadedness,Vertigo,Vomiting,Diarrhea,Stomach pain,Nausea,Visual disturbances,Tinnitus Frequency Not Defined Suicidal depression,Psychiatric Sx,Pneumonitis,Seizure,Abnormal ECG Potentially Fatal: Seizures, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, AV block, encephalopathy.

Mechanism of Action

Mefloquine is a 4-methanolquinine antimalarial agent and a blood schizontocide which acts by interfering w/ the parasite's ability to metabolise and utilise erythrocyte Hb. It is active against most Plasmodium sp and is used for prophylaxis and treatment against malaria.


Mefliam 250mg Tablet manufactured by Cipla Ltd.. Its generic name is Mefloquine. Mefliam is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Mefliam Tablet is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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