Mesacol OD Tablet

1.2 Gm
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
Pack size
Dispensing mode
Retail Price


Mesacol OD Tablet is used for: Ulcerative colitis, Hairy cell leukaemia

Adult Dose

Oral Ulcerative colitis Adult: Dose is dependant on preparation and brand used. Acute attack: Initially, up to 4 g daily in 2-4 doses; Maintenance of remission: 2 g daily in 2 divided doses.

Child Dose

Oral Ulcerative colitis 5-12 yr: Acute attack: 15-20 mg/kg (max: 1 g) tid; Maintenance of remission: 10 mg/kg (max: 500 mg) 2-3 times daily.

Renal Dose

Renal impairment: CrCl (ml/min) Dosage Recommendation <20 Avoid.


Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity to mesalazine, salicylates and sulfasalazine. Severe impaired renal (CrCl < 20 ml/min) or hepatic function. Children <2 yr.


Mild to moderate impaired renal or hepatic function (test serum creatinine before treatment, every 3 mth for 1st yr, every 6 mth for next 4 yr, then annually). Elderly; active peptic ulcer; pregnancy, lactation; patients predisposed to pericarditis or myocariditis. Counsel patients to report any unexplained bleeding, bruising, purpura, sore throat, fever or malaise during treatment; perform blood count and stop treatment if blood dyscrasias suspected. Counsel patients taking delayed release tablets to report repeatedly unbroken or partially broken tablets in their faeces. Pyloric stenosis may delay release into colon.



Do not give with lactulose or other drugs which lower pH for they prevent release of mesalazine. May decrease digoxin absorption.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Mesalazine : Abdominal pain (if new abdominal pain - consider pancreatitis); headache, nausea; flu; fatigue; fever, rash; sore throat; diarrhoea; joint pain; dizziness; bloating; back pain; haemorrhoids; itching; rectal pain, constipation; hair loss; intolerance syndrome; peripheral oedema; UTI; myocarditis, pre-existing pericarditis; pancreatitis; nephritis; hepatitis; lupus-like syndrome; alopecia; myalgia, arthralgia; increased liver enzyme values. Potentially Fatal: Blood dyscrasias, aplastic anaemia, agranulocytosis; renal toxicity.

Mechanism of Action

Mesalazine is considered to be the active moiety of sulfasalazine. The mechanism of action is uncertain, but may be due to its ability to inhibit local chemical mediators of the inflammatory response especially leukotriene synthesis in the GI mucosa. Action may be topical in terminal ileum and colon rather than systemic.


Mesacol OD 1.2 Gm Tablet manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.. Its generic name is Mesalazine. Mesacol OD is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Mesacol OD Tablet is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

Some other brands of Mesalazine :