Muco BM Syrup

Terbutaline Sulphate + Bromhexine Hydrochloride
2.5MG + 8MG
Nova Genetica Pvt. Ltd.
Pack size 100ML
Dispensing mode
Retail Price 96.72 NPR


Muco BM Syrup is used for: Bronchial asthma, acute & chronic bronchitis, bronchiolitis & other bronchospastic disorders. Bronchopulmonary disorders where viscous sputum is a complicating factor.

Adult Dose

Oral Adult 5-10ml 3-4 times a day.

Child Dose

Child 2-6YRS: 2.5-5ml 3-4 times a day. 6-14YRS: 5-10ml 3-4 times a day.

Renal Dose


May be taken with or without food.

Contra Indications



Patient w/ thyrotoxicosis, HTN, DM, ketoacidosis, CV disorders (e.g. ischaemic heart disease), convulsive disorders, coronary insufficiency or associated arrhythmias. Childn. Pregnancy and lactation.



Tachycardia, nervousness, tremor, palpitations, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, restlessness, lethargy, drowsiness, weakness, flushes, sweating, chest discomfort, muscle cramps, tinnitus. Rarely, seizures, hypersensitivity vasculitis, elevated liver enzymes.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Terbutaline Sulphate + Bromhexine Hydrochloride : Tachycardia, nervousness, tremor, palpitations, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, restlessness, lethargy, drowsiness, weakness, flushes, sweating, chest discomfort, muscle cramps, tinnitus. Rarely, seizures, hypersensitivity vasculitis, elevated liver enzymes.

Mechanism of Action

Terbutaline: Beta adrenergic receptor stimulator causing bronchial/uterine smooth muscle relaxation Bromhexine is a mucolytic.


Muco BM 2.5MG + 8MG Syrup manufactured by Nova Genetica Pvt. Ltd.. Its generic name is Terbutaline Sulphate + Bromhexine Hydrochloride. Muco BM is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Muco BM Syrup is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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