Nelvir Tablet

Cipla Ltd.
Pack size 1
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Retail Price


Nelvir Tablet is used for: HIV infection

Adult Dose

Oral HIV infection Adult: Combined with other antiretrovirals: 1.25 g bid or 0.75 g tid. Hepatic Impairment Mild impairment (Child-Pugh class A): Dose adjustment not necessary Severe impairment (Child-Pugh Class B or C): Not recommended

Child Dose

Oral HIV infection Child: Combined with other antiretrovirals: 2-13 yr: 45-55 mg/kg bid or 25-35 mg/kg tid. Max: 0.75 g tid. Max Dosage: Child: 0.75 g tid.

Renal Dose

Renal Impairment Dose adjustment not necessary


Should be taken with food.

Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity; lactation.


Pregnancy. Hepatic and renal impairment; haemophilia A or B; diabetes. Monitor for signs of lipodystrophy. Lactation: HIV+ women are advised not to breastfeed



Reduced levels/effects with antacids, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, aminoglutethimide, phenytoin, rifampicin, nafcillin, nevirapine, omeprazole, nevirapine. Increased serum levels/effects with azole antifungal agents, cimetidine, efavirenz. Increased serum levels/effects of azithromycin, calcium channel blockers, clarithromycin, corticosteroids (e.g. fluticasone), mirtazapine, nateglinide, nefazodone, ciclosporin, sirolimus, tacrolimus, venlafaxine, eplerinone, fentanyl, atorvastatin, phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors, rifabutin, trazodone, TCAs. Reduced serum levels/effects of hormonal contraceptives, methadone, theophylline derivatives. Potentially Fatal: Increased serum levels/toxicity of amiodarone, cisapride, pimozide, midazolam, triazolam, ergot alkaloids, lovastatin, simvastatin, quinidine.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Nelfinavir : >10% Diarrhea (14-20%) 1-10% Nausea (3-7%),Flatulence (1-5%),Abdominal pain (1%),Anemia (1%),Allergic reaction (1%),Impaired concentration (1%),Lipodystrophy (1%),Metabolic acidosis (1%),Rash (1-3%),Leukopenia (1%),Thrombocytopenia (1%),Weakness (1%) <1% QTc prolongation,Torsades de pointes,Diabetes mellitus, new onset and exacerbation,Hyperglycemia

Mechanism of Action

Nelfinavir is a selective, competitive, reversible HIV protease inhibitor. It inhibits HIV-1 protease preventing the cleavage of the gag-pol polyprotein resulting in the production of noninfectious virus.


Nelvir 150mg Tablet manufactured by Cipla Ltd.. Its generic name is Nelfinavir. Nelvir is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Nelvir Tablet is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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