Omniscan Injection

G E Healthcare
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Omniscan Injection is used for: Indicated for intravenous use in MRI to visualize lesions with abnormal vascularity (or those thought to cause abnormalities in the blood-brain barrier) in the brain (intracranial lesions), spine, and associated tissues

Adult Dose

Adults: The recommended dose is 0.2 mL/kg (0.1 mmol/kg) administered as a bolus intravenous injection.

Child Dose

Pediatric Patients (2-16 years): The recommended dose is 0.2 mL/kg (0.1 mmol/kg) administered as a bolus intravenous injection.

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Chronic, severe kidney disease (glomerular filtration rate, GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73m²), or acute kidney injury prior hypersensitivity reaction


Gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) increase the risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) among patients with impaired elimination of the drugs. Avoid use of GBCAs among these patients unless the diagnostic information is essential and not available with non-contrast enhanced MRI or other modalities. The GBCA-associated NSF risk appears highest for patients with chronic, severe kidney disease (GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73m²) as well as patients with acute kidney injury. Screen patients for acute kidney injury and other conditions that may reduce renal function.



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Gadodiamide : Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, Hypersensitivity reactions

Mechanism of Action


Omniscan 287mg Injection manufactured by G E Healthcare. Its generic name is Gadodiamide. Omniscan is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Omniscan Injection is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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