Qabil Tablet

Quest Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
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Qabil Tablet is used for: Major depressive disorder, Schizophrenia, Acute manic episodes of bipolar disorder, Agitation, Irritability in autism

Adult Dose

Adult: PO Schizophrenia Initial: 10-15 mg once daily. Maintenance: 15 mg once daily. Max: 30 mg once daily without regard to food. Dose increment should not be made before 2 weeks, the time needed to achieve steady state. Bipolar mania 30 mg once daily. May reduce to 15 mg once daily according to tolerability. Major Depressive Disorder 2-5 mg/day PO initially; increased weekly PRN by <5 mg/day to dose range of 2-15 mg/day Elderly: Reduce initial dose.

Child Dose

Schizophrenia 13-17 years: 2 mg/day PO initially; increased to 5 mg/day after 2 days; increased to recommended dosage of 10 mg/day after additional 2 days; may subsequently be increased by 5 mg/day; maintenance: 10-30 mg/day Bipolar Mania Acute manic or mixed episodes, either as monotherapy or as adjunct to lithium or valproate 10-17 years: 2 mg/day PO initially; increased to 5 mg/day after 2 days; increased to recommended dosage of 10 mg/day after additional 2 days; may subsequently be increased by 5 mg/day; maintenance: 10-30 mg/day Autism Irritability associated with autistic disorder <6 years: Safety and efficacy not established 6-17 years: 2 mg/day PO initially; increased gradually at intervals ?1 week to target dosage of 5 mg/day; may gradually be further increased PRN to 10 mg/day or higher; not to exceed 15 mg/day Tourette Disorder 6-18 years (<50 kg) Initiate at 2 mg/day PO with a target dose of 5 mg/day after 2 days The dose can be increased to 10 mg/day in patients who do not achieve optimal control of tics Dosage adjustments should occur gradually at intervals of no less than 1 week 6-18 years (?50 kg) Initiate at 2 mg/day PO for 2 days, and then increase to 5 mg/day for 5 days, with a target dose of 10 mg/day on day 8 The dose can be increased up to 20 mg/day for patients who do not achieve optimal control of tics Dosage adjustments should occur gradually in increments of 5 mg/day at intervals of no less than 1 week

Renal Dose


May be taken with or without food.

Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity. Lactation. Children <18 yr.


Patients with known CV diseases (e.g. history of MI, IHD, CCF or conduction abnormalities), cerebrovascular diseases or conditions which would predispose patients to hypotension; Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Caution when operating hazardous machinery, including automobiles when taking aripiprazole. Pregnancy. Lactation: Excreted in human breast milk; a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother



Drugs that induce CYP3A4 (e.g. carbamazepine) could cause an increase in aripiprazole clearance and lower blood levels. Inhibitors of CYP3A4 (e.g. ketoconazole) or CYP2D6 (e.g. quinidine, fluoxetine or paroxetine) can inhibit aripiprazole elimination and cause increased blood levels. Increased CNS depression with ethanol.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Aripiprazole : >10% Weight gain (8-30%),Headache (27%),Agitation (19%),Insomnia (18%),Anxiety (17%),Nausea and vomiting (11-15%),Akathisia (10-13%),Lightheadedness (11%),Constipation (10-11%) 1-10% Dizziness (10%),Dyspepsia (9%),Somnolence (5-8%),Fatigue (6%),Restlessness (6%),Tremor (6%),Dry mouth/xerostomia (5%) ,Extrapyramidal disorder (5%),Orthostatic hypotension (1-5%),Musculoskeletal stiffness (4%),Abdominal discomfort (3%),Blurred vision (3%),Cough (3%),Pain (3%),Myalgia (2%),Rash,Rhinitis <1% Altered mental status,Autonomic instability,Dysphagia,Hyperpyrexia,Muscle rigidity,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS),Seizure,Tardive dyskinesia

Mechanism of Action

Aripiprazole acts as a partial agonist at D2 and 5-HT1A receptors and as an antagonist at 5-HT2A receptors.


Qabil 10mg Tablet manufactured by Quest Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.. Its generic name is Aripiprazole. Qabil is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Qabil Tablet is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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