Chlorhexidine Gluconate + Sodium Fluoride


Chlorhexidine Gluconate + Sodium Fluoride is used for: Treatment & prevention of gingivitis & maintenance of oral hygiene

Adult Dose

For treatment and prevention, swish in the mouth for one minute. Do not wash mouth, eat or drink thereafter for 20 minutes. For prolonged use, take 1:1 dilution of mouth wash with plain water.

Child Dose

Renal Dose


Contra Indications




Adverse Effects

Side effects of Chlorhexidine Gluconate + Sodium Fluoride : Tongue discoloration, mucosal irritation, reversible brown staining of the teeth.

Mechanism of Action

Chlorhexidine Gluconate is an antiseptic. It works by binding to the surface of teeth, inner cheeks and gums. This kills the infectious microorganisms that cause gum disease, ulcers and other mouth infections. Sodium Fluoride works by making the teeth stronger and preventing decay (cavity) caused by bacteria.