Crotamiton 10%


Crotamiton 10% is used for: Scabies, Pruritic skin

Adult Dose

Scabies Topical: Wash thoroughly and scrub away loose scales, then dry; apply thin layer and massage drug onto skin of entire body from neck to toes; repeat in 24 hours; bath 48 hours after final application to cleanse body; may repeat treatment after 7-10 days if live mites present Pruritic skin disorders Adult: Apply a 10% cream/lotion bid/tid onto the skin.

Child Dose

Scabies Topical: Wash thoroughly and scrub away loose scales, then dry; apply thin layer and massage drug onto skin of entire body from neck to toes; repeat in 24 hours; bath 48 hours after final application to cleanse body; may repeat treatment after 7-10 days if live mites present Pruritic skin disorders Child: <3 yr: Apply a 10% cream/lotion onto the skin once daily.

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity; acute exudative dermatitis. Application to the eye, mouth, other mucous membranes or on excoriated skin.


For external use only. Pregnancy. Lactation: Excretion in milk unknown



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Crotamiton 10% : 1-10% Allergic contact dermatitis or primary irritation,Pruritus,Rash,Warm sensation

Mechanism of Action

Crotamiton has scabicidal and antipruritic action against Sarcoptes scabei. It is an effective pediculocide as well.