

Dexchlorpheniramine is used for: Allergic conditions

Adult Dose

Oral Allergic conditions Adult: 2 mg every 4-6 hr. Max: 12 mg/day. Max Dosage: Adult: 12 mg daily.

Child Dose

Oral Allergic conditions 2-6 years: Syrup: 0.5 mg PO q4-6hr 6-11 years: (syrup) 1 mg PO q4-6hr >12 years: As adults; (syrup) 2 mg PO q4-6hr Max Dosage: Child 6-12 yrs: 6 mg daily; 2-5 yrs: 3 mg daily.

Renal Dose


May be taken with or without food.

Contra Indications

Premature infants or full-term neonates.


Pregnancy; lactation; severe CV disorders; asthma. May impair ability to drive or operate machinery. Angle-closure glaucoma, urinary retention, prostatic hypertrophy, pyloroduodenal obstruction; renal and hepatic impairment; elderly; epilepsy. Lactation: excretion in milk unknown/not recommended



CNS depressants eg, alcohol, barbiturates, hypnotics, opioid analgesics; anxiolytic sedatives and neuroleptics; other antimuscarinics; MAOIs; betahistine; ototoxic drugs.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Dexchlorpheniramine : Exfoliative dermatitis. Sedation; antimuscarinic effects, CNS depression and disturbances; occasionally, paradoxical CNS stimulation; psychomotor impairment; headache; palpitations and arrhythmias; convulsions, sweating, myalgia, paraesthesias, extrapyramidal symptoms, tremor; sleep and GI disturbances. Rarely, hypersensitivity reactions and blood disorders; tinnitus, hypotension; hair loss. Injections may cause transient hypotension or CNS stimulation and irritation.

Mechanism of Action

Histamine H1-receptor antagonist in blood vessels, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract