Halcinonide 0.1% Topical


Halcinonide 0.1% Topical is used for: Psoriasis, Eczema, Skin infection, Corticosteriod-responsive dermatoses, Burns

Adult Dose

Topical/Cutaneous Corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses, Inflammatory/pruritic dermatoses, eczemas, lichen planus, burns (1st and 2nd degree) Adult: Apply onto affected area 2-3 times daily Treatment beyond two consecutive weeks is not recommended.

Child Dose

Topical/Cutaneous Corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses, Inflammatory/pruritic dermatoses, eczemas, lichen planus, burns (1st and 2nd degree) Child: Apply onto affected area 1-3 times daily Treatment beyond two consecutive weeks is not recommended. Limit to the minimum amount necessary for therapeutic efficacy

Renal Dose


A thin layer should be applied to the affected skin 2-3 times daily, and rub in gently and completely.

Contra Indications

Contraindicated in those patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the preparation.


Systemic absorption of topical corticosteroids may cause reversible hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis suppression, manifestations of cushing\'s syndrome, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria. Patients receiving large dose of a potent topical steroid applied to a large surface area or under an occlusive dressing should be evaluated periodically for evidence of HPA axis suppression by using the urinary free cortisol and ACTH stimulation tests. If HPA axis suppression is noted, an attempt should be made to withdraw the drug, to reduce the frequency of application, or to substitute a less potent steroid. Lactation: excretion of topical corticosteroids in breast milk is unknown; use with caution



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Halcinonide 0.1% Topical : Burning, itching, dryness, folliculitis acne, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, skin atrophy, secondary infections, striae and miliaria.

Mechanism of Action

Halcinonide exerts anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor actions.