Iodine 10%


Iodine 10% is used for: Wound and ulcer cleansing, Superficial wounds

Adult Dose

Solution: Apply the full strength as often as required as a paint or wet soak. For minor wounds and infection apply directly to the affected area. The site may be covered with gauze or adhesive bandage. Ointment: Apply ointment directly to the affected area after being cleaned and dried. May be covered with a dressing or bandage.

Child Dose

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Avoid regular use in patients with thyroid disorders or those receiving lithium therapy and who shows hypersensitivity to Iodine.


Children. Adult >45 yr. Topical applications should not be covered with occlusive dressings. Nodular goitre. Renal impairment. Hypocomplemetemic vasculitis. TB (potassium iodide). Pregnancy and lactation.



Additive or synergistic hypothyroid effect with lithium salts, antithyroid agents. Additive hyperkalaemia with combined use of potassium iodide and potassium-containing drugs or potassium-sparing diuretics.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Iodine 10% : Idiosyncratic mucosal irritation and hypersensitivity reactions rarely, may interfere with thyroid-function tests.

Mechanism of Action

Topical iodine acts as a local irritant and as a germicide active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, trichomonas, cysts, viruses and some spores.