

Lodoxamide is used for: Allergic conjunctivitis

Adult Dose

Ophthalmic Allergic conjunctivitis Adult: As 0.1% solution: 1-2 drops may be instilled into the affected eye(s) 4 times daily.

Child Dose

Ophthalmic Allergic conjunctivitis >2 years: 1-2 drops may be instilled into the affected eye(s) 4 times daily. <2 years: safety and efficacy not established

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity to the drug


Contact lenses should be removed prior to admin and can only be reinserted at least 15 min after drug admin as it contains benzalkonium chloride. Pregnancy. Lactation: unknown whether distributed in breast milk, caution advised



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Lodoxamide : >10% Transient local burning (15%) Transient local stinging (15%) Transient local discomfort (15%) 1-10% Headache (1.5%),Foreign body sensation (1-5%),Ocular itching/pruritus (1-5%),Blurred vision (1-5%),Dry eye (1-5%),Tearing/discharge (1-5%),Hyperemia (1-5%),Crystalline deposits (1-5%) <1% Heat sensation,Dizziness,Somnolence,Sneezing,Dry nose,Nausea,Stomach discomfort,Rash,Corneal erosion/ulcer,Scales on lid/lash,Eye pain,Ocular edema/swelling,Ocular warming sensation,Ocular fatigue,Chemosis,Corneal abrasion,Keratopathy,Keratitis,Blepharitis,Allergy,Sticky sensation,Epitheliopathy

Mechanism of Action

Lodoxamide has a mast cell stabilising effect. It is used as eye drops in the management of allergic conjunctivitis.