Naphazoline nasal prep


Naphazoline nasal prep is used for: Nasal Decongestant

Adult Dose

Nasal Decongestant 1-2 sprays per nostril q6hr PRN

Child Dose

Nasal Decongestant < 12 years Not recommended >12 years 1-2 sprays per nostril q6hr PRN

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Heart disease (incr BP, HR, palpitations) Narrow angle glaucoma


Caution in HTN, hyperthyroidism, ocular injury, DM, open-angle glaucoma Overuse may cause rebound congestion



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Naphazoline nasal prep : Frequency Not Defined CNS (anxiety, dizziness, tremor, etc) Burning Stinging Sneezing Dryness Local irritation Rebound congestion

Mechanism of Action

Alpha 1 adrenergic agonist; stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors in nasal conjunctiva and arterioles to produce vasoconstriction that results in nasal decongestion