Polyethylene Glycol


Polyethylene Glycol is used for: Constipation, faecal impaction.

Adult Dose

The usual dose is 17 gm of powder per day in a glass of water, juice, coke, coffee or tea. Each bottle is supplied with a cup that is used to measure 17 gm or 8.5 gm of laxative powder when filled upto the marked line.

Child Dose

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Polyethylene glycol is contraindicated in patients with known or suspected bowel obstruction and patients known to be allergic to polyethylene glycol.


Patients with symptoms suggestive of bowel obstruction (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or distention) should be evaluated to rule out this condition before initiating therapy.It should be administered after being dissolved in water, juice, coke, coffee or tea.



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Polyethylene Glycol : Nausea, abdominal bloating, cramping and flatulence may occur. High doses may produce diarrhea and excessive stool frequency, particularly in elderly nursing home patients. Patients taking other medications containing polyethylene glycol have occasionally developed urticaria suggestive of an allergic reaction.

Mechanism of Action

Poly ethylene Glycol is an osmotic agent that causes water to be retained with the stool.It appears to have no effect on the active absorption or secretion of glucose or electrolytes.