Sodium Bicarbonate 6.6% + Sodium Chloride 3.1% + Highly purified water (Haemodialysis solutions)


Sodium Bicarbonate 6.6% + Sodium Chloride 3.1% + Highly purified water (Haemodialysis solutions) is used for: Haemodialysis

Adult Dose

5 lit. Concentrate per dialysis or as required.

Child Dose

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of this preparation.


Do not use sol A or sol B alone. It must be diluted immediately before use with water of suitable quality. Discard container in case of visible solid particles inside. It's not for IV injection or infusion.



sodium bicarbonate....Increases toxicity of amphetamines, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, flecainide, quinidine and quinine. Decreases effects of lithium, chlorpropamide and salicylates due to increased clearance. May affect the absorption of certain drugs due to raised intra-gastric pH. sodium chloride ....May affect serum concentrations of lithium.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Sodium Bicarbonate 6.6% + Sodium Chloride 3.1% + Highly purified water (Haemodialysis solutions) :

Mechanism of Action

Sodium chloride is the major extracellular cation. It is important in electrolyte and fluid balance, osmotic pressure control and water distribution as it restores sodium ions. It is used as a source of electrolytes and water for hydration, treatment of metabolic acidosis, priming solution in haemodialysis and treatment of hyperosmolar diabetes. It is also used as diluents for infusion of compatible drug additives. Sodium bicarbonate raises blood and urinary pH by dissociation to provide bicarbonate ions, which neutralises the hydrogen ion concentration. It also neutralises gastric acid via production of carbon dioxide.