

Sucralfate is used for: Peptic ulcer, Chronic gastritis, GI haemorrhage from stress ulceration

Adult Dose

Oral Chronic gastritis; Peptic ulcer Adult: 1 g 4 times daily or 2 g bid for 4-8 wk, may extend up to 12 wk if necessary. Maintenance dose of 1 g bid may be given to prevent the recurrence of duodenal ulcers. Max: 8 g daily. Prophylaxis of gastrointestinal haemorrhage from stress ulceration Adult: 1 g 6 times daily. Not to exceed 8 g daily.

Child Dose

Oral Chronic gastritis; Peptic ulcer Child: 1 mth-2 yr: 250 mg 4-6 times daily; 2-12 yr: 500 mg 4-6 times daily and 12-18 yr: 1 g 4-6 times daily. Prophylaxis of gastrointestinal haemorrhage from stress ulceration Child: 1 mth-2 yr: 250 mg 4-6 times daily; 2-12 yr: 500 mg 4-6 times daily and 12-18 yr: 1 g 4-6 times daily.

Renal Dose

Renal failure: Use with caution; aluminum salt may accumulate


Should be taken on an empty stomach. Take on an empty stomach 1 hr before or 2 hr after meals.

Contra Indications



Systemic aluminum toxicity may occur in patients with chronic renal failure. Neonates, children; pregnancy and lactation. Lactation: Probably safe because drug is minimally absorbed; unknown whether drug is excreted in breast milk



Avoid antacids within 30 min of sucralfate admin. May reduce absorption of tetracyclines, ranitidine, ketoconazole, theophylline, phenytoin, cimetidine and digoxin (ensure a dosing interval of at least 2 hr between admin of sucralfate and other non-antacid medications).

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Sucralfate : 1-10% Constipation (2%) <1% Diarrhea,Dizziness,Dry mouth,Flatulence,Headache,Indigestion,Insomnia,Nausea,Vertigo,Vomiting Frequency Not Defined Bezoars formation,Gastrointestinal discomfort

Mechanism of Action

Sucralfate protects GI lining against peptic acid, pepsin and bile salts by binding with positively-charged proteins in exudates forming a viscous paste-like adhesive substance thus forming a protective coating.