Tricholine + Sorbitol Solution


Tricholine + Sorbitol Solution is used for: Used as a laxative to treat occasional episodes of constipation and to improve symptoms of liver disorders.

Adult Dose

Constipation: Dilute 10 ml of Sorbitol + Tricholine citrate in water. Take 10-20 ml of Sorbitol + Tricholine citrate with water before breakfast.

Child Dose

Constipation: Dilute 5-10 ml of Sorbitol + Tricholine citrate in water. Take 5-10 ml of Sorbitol + Tricholine citrate with water before breakfast.

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity Limit alcohol consumption Pregnancy or breastfeeding


Be careful of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or rectal bleeding, Gastro intestinal obstruction Do not drive or operate machinery Do not take additional laxatives



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Tricholine + Sorbitol Solution : Abdominal discomfort Flatulence Excess Of Glucose In The Bloodstream Severe Allergic Reactions Dizziness Rectal Bleeding Sudden Weight Gain

Mechanism of Action

Tricholine Citrate & Sorbitol Syrup works by retaining fluid in the colon; mobilizing cell membrane cholesterol and promoting liver degeneration; blocking the histamine and serotonin from the body. Tricholine citrate contains three molecules of choline. Due to choline`s lipotropic action, it is useful in the treatment of fatty infiltration and cirrhosis of liver. Choline converts fat into phospholipids like, lecithin, which is essential to biomembrane structure and its function. Lecithin is also a major component of high density lipoprotein (HDL), and is used to mobilize cholesterol from cell membrane. In patients with fatty liver, increased rate of phospholipid turnover has been observed following administration of choline. Sorbitol is hydrolysed in the colon to short chain fatty acids. This fatty acid stimulates colonic propulsive motility by osmotically drawing water into the lumen.