Varicella Zoster Virus (live attenuated) Vaccine


Varicella Zoster Virus (live attenuated) Vaccine is used for: Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection

Adult Dose

Subcuteneous Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection 0.65 mL (entire content of vial ) injected SC into upper arm as single dose

Child Dose

Not indicated

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

A history of hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine; individuals with blood dyscrasias, leukonia, lymphomas of any type, or other malignant neoplasma affecting the bone marrow or lymphatic systems; individuals receiving immunosuppressive therapy.


Vaccination should be deferred to at least 5 months following blood or plasma transfusion, or administration of immunoglobulin or varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG). Vaccination should be deferred in patients with a family history of congenital or hereditary immunodeficiency until the patient's own immune system has been evaluated. Cases Requiring Careful Consideration Before Vaccination: The decision for vaccination is to be made carefully in the following categories, those having a history of seizures; those previously diagnosed with an immunodeficiency; those suffering from diseases accompanied by abnormal immune system function or those receiving immunosuppressive therapy; and those suspected of being allergic to any of the components. Lactation: Unknown whether agent is excreted in breast milk; use with caution



Concurrent use may interfere with the immune response to certain live vaccines.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Varicella Zoster Virus (live attenuated) Vaccine : >10% Injection-site erythema,Pain or tenderness,Pruritus,Swelling,Warmth 1-10% Diarrhea (2%),Fever (2%),Flulike syndrome (2%),Upper respiratory tract infection (2%),Headache (1%),Rhinitis (1%),Skin disorder (1%),Weakness (1%) <1% Arthralgia,Hypersensitivity,Injection-site reactions

Mechanism of Action

Conveys active immunity by stimulating production of endogenously produced antibodies