D-Lor Capsule

Nepal Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Pack size 100's
Dispensing mode
Retail Price 12.50 NPR


D-Lor Capsule is used for: Itching, Sneezing, Watery eyes, Allergic conditions, Runny nose, Hives, Skin rash, Common cold

Adult Dose

Oral Allergic conditions Adult: 5 mg once daily. Hepatic Impairment: Initially, 5 mg every other day.

Child Dose

Oral Allergic conditions Child: 12 years or over : 5 mg once daily. Child 6-11 years : 2.5 mg once daily. Child 12 months-5 years : 1.25 mg (2.5 ml syrup) once daily. Child 6 months-11 months : 1 mg (2 ml syrup) once daily.

Renal Dose

Initially, 5 mg every other day.


May be taken with or without food.

Contra Indications



Severe renal or hepatic failure; children <6 mth, elderly, epilepsy, pregnancy and lactation. Lactation: excretion in milk unknown/not recommended



Potential increase in plasma concentrations w/ drugs affecting hepatic microsomal enzymes (e.g. azithromycin, cimetidine, erythromycin, fluoxetine, ketoconazole).

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Desloratadine : >10% Headache (14%),Fever (12%),Irritability (12%),Diarrhea (15%),Upper respiratory infection (11%),Cough (11%) 1-10% Dizziness (4%),Somnolence (2%),Dizziness (4%),Fatigue (2%),Erythema (2%),Macupopular rash (3%),Dysmenorrhea (2%),Urinary tract infection (4%),Bronchitis (6%),Epistaxis (3%)

Mechanism of Action

Desloratadine is a long-acting, tricyclic, non-sedating, selective peripheral histamine H1-receptor antagonist which inhibits the release of pro-inflammatory mediators from human mast cells and basophils.


D-Lor 5mg Capsule manufactured by Nepal Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.. Its generic name is Desloratadine. D-Lor is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on D-Lor Capsule is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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