Liofen XL 10 Tablet ER

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
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Liofen XL 10 Tablet ER is used for: Pain, Chronic muscle spasticity, Multiple sclerosis, Spasm, Stiffness, Low back pain

Adult Dose

Oral Spasticity Adult: Initially, 5 mg tid for 3 days increased to 10 mg tid for 3 days, then in similar increments and intervals until either 20 mg tid is reached or until desired effect is obtained. Max: 80 mg daily. Elderly: Initiate with lower doses.

Child Dose

Oral Spasticity Child: 0.75-2 mg/kg daily. May initiate with 2.5 mg 4 times daily, increased gradually every 3 days until desired effect is obtained. Maintenance: 6-10 yr: 30-60 mg daily; 2-6 yr: 20-30 mg daily; 12 mth-2 yr: 10-20 mg daily. Max: >10 yr: 2.5 mg/kg daily.

Renal Dose

Renal impairment: Dose reduction may be required.


Should be taken with food.

Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity. Active peptic ulcer disease.


Cerebrovascular disorders, epilepsy, severe psychotic disorders, confusional states, history of peptic ulcer, resp depression, diabetes (DM), hepatic or renal impairment, elderly, pregnancy. Avoid sudden withdrawal. Lactation: Enters breast milk in small amounts; not recommended



Hypotensive effect may be increased with antihypertensives. Concomittant use with levodopa in Parkinson patients may result in confusion, agitation, hallucinations. Potentially Fatal: CNS depressants and alcohol may potentiate CNS effects.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Baclofen : >10% Drowsiness, transient (10-63%),Dizziness (5-15%),Nausea (4-12%),Confusion (1-11%) 1-10% Headache (4-8%),Insomnia (2-7%),Constipation (2-6%),Urinary frequency (2-6%),Fatigue (2-4%) <1% Abdominal pain,Ankle edema,Anorexia,Ataxia,Blurred vision,Chest pain,Coordination disorder,Depression,Diarrhea,Dry mouth,Diplopia,Dysarthria,Dyspnea,Dystonia,Enuresis,Euphoria,Excitement,Hallucinations,Hematuria,Hypotension,Impotence,Miosis,Muscle pain,Mydriasis,Nasal congestion,Nocturia,Nystagmus,Palpitation,Paresthesia,Excessive perspiration,Pruritus,Rash,Rigidity,Seizure,Strabismus,Slurred speech,Syncope,Tinnitus,Tremor,Urinary retention,Vomiting,Weight gain Potentially Fatal: Respiratory or CV depression, seizures.

Mechanism of Action

Baclofen is an antispastic. It inhibits both monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes at spinal level.


Liofen XL 10 10mg Tablet ER manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.. Its generic name is Baclofen. Liofen XL 10 is availble in Nepal. Farmaco Nepal drug index information on Liofen XL 10 Tablet ER is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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