

Ezetimibe is used for: Hyperlipidaemias, Homozygous familial sitosterolaemia, Hypercholesterolaemia

Adult Dose

Oral Hyperlipidaemias; Homozygous familial sitosterolaemia Adult: 10 mg once daily. Hepatic impairment Mild (Child-Pugh class A): Dose adjustment not necessary Moderate to severe (Child-Pugh class B or C): Not recommended

Child Dose

Child: >10 yr: 10 mg once daily.

Renal Dose

Renal impairment Monotherapy: No dosage adjustment required Moderate to severe: Renal impairment is a risk factor for statin-associated myopathy; caution when coadministered with doses of simvastatin exceeding 20 mg


May be taken with or without food.

Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity; moderate to severe liver disease or unexplained serum transaminase elevation. Children <10 yr, lactation.


Renal or mild hepatic impairment. Monitor LFTs. Immediately discontinue ezetimibe and any HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor or fibrate if myopathy is diagnosed or suspected. Exclude or treat secondary causes of dyslipidaemia prior to initiating therapy. Lactation: Excretion in milk unknown; use with caution



Reduced absorption w/ colestyramine. Increased plasma concentrations w/ ciclosporin. Concomitant use w/ oral anticoagulants may result in increased INR.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Ezetimibe : 1-10% Diarrhea (4%),Upper respiratory tract symptoms (2-4%),Cough (2-4%),Pain in extremity (3%),Sinusitis (3%),Arthralgia (2-3%),Fatigue (2%),Influenza (2%),Increased liver transaminases (with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors; >3 x ULN; 1%)

Mechanism of Action

Ezetimibe localises at the brush border of the small intestine where it inhibits the absorption of cholesterol, thus decreasing its delivery to the liver. This results in decrease in cholesterol stores within the liver and an increase in cholesterol clearance from the blood.